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Oct 18, 2010

DRACULAS Critique: Vampirus Scaritus

 Adrenaline-pumping terror oozes from every bloody page in this gory horror-thriller from Crouch, Kilborn, Strand, and Wilson as they relentlessly push the envelope until it bursts in their reincarnation of the classic Dracula tale. The authors gleefully trample taboos and slaughter society’s sacred cows as they build suspense to the breaking point and elevate plot twists to dizzying heights. Contrary to the authors’ self-effacing dedication to Bram Stoker, I believe that given the chance, he would proudly claim DRACULAS as his legitimate progeny. 

In this excerpt, listen as a character describes what she hears:
    “Growls. Snapping jaws. Gurgling blood. Wet smacking. It was like listening to a BBQ in hell.”

And for those of you who relish a haunting tale, but need more than a body count to enjoy it, this book is for you, too. To paraphrase Joe Konrath as he so eloquently explains the concept in The Newbie's Guide to Publishing (Everything A Writer Needs To Know, having bad things happen to good people brings out the best in those around them. We couldn’t have heroes without tragedies, and if it’s heroes you want, DRACULAS has them. Oh, and yes, Virginia, there is Romance--Whooweee! (Actually, there’s plenty of it: It just happens to be the grown up kind. But you didn’t hear that from me, okay? At least not if Jack Kilroy is around.)

Oh, and lest I forget (how could I?) the astounding bonus material that comes with this book, all for a whopping $2.99 (less than a latte) provides hours of fascinating insight into the making of the book, via the interview with the authors and their candid, in-progress emails as they wrote the book. And then there are the smash-hit bonus stories for FREE: if your hair is straight, it will curl. It if isn’t straight, you may be frightened bald. But the bottom line is: There is no way you can you lose. So, GET THE BOOK! And happy reading.


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